The last movie by Bollywood superstar Shahrukh Khan was released in the year 2018. In such a situation, the fans are eager to see him on the screen soon. SRK also does not want to disappoint his fans, which is why he is shooting back to back. Pathan on one side and jawan on the other side, he is going to be seen in many films. These days he is in London and shooting for Rajkumar Hirani’s film ‘Dunky’. Now photos of him and Taapsee Pannu have been leaked from the set, which is going viral on social media. In this photo, Shah Rukh Khan and Taapsee Pannu are seen on the streets of London. Shahrukh is seen sitting on his knees. Taapsee is also standing next to her, who is smiling. Both are holding big bags. Looks like they are shooting a travel scene together. Photos were leaked earlier: Ever since Shah Rukh Khan is shooting for ‘Dunky’ in London, the photos of the sets are getting leaked. Even before this, some pictures had surfaced, in which Shahrukh was seen...
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